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Conflict Resolution and Rebuilding Workplace Relationships

Having conflicts at work is very common, this article explores ways in which trust and equations can be restored at the workplace. 

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Is Jealousy Tearing Your Relationship Apart?

All of us at some point in our lives have experienced jealousy, whether we are the jealous ones or someone is jealous of us. Even as children, jealousy is an emotion that is commonly experienced. We may have felt jealous of our siblings getting more attention or our neighbour getting a better toy. As adults, we try to rationalize our jealousy, however, it can grow to the point that it becomes destructive.

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Stress Prevention with Vitamin F

Stress is something that all of us go through with varying degrees of intensity. Most of us are aware of the need for a work-life balance, exercise, nutrition and relaxation for stress relief. Let us explore another important factor that can help in coping with stress. 'Vitamin F' it is not a pill that you can pop, but something that all of us can turn to - Family and Friends!

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Space In A Relationship

Couples need to spend quality time together as it helps enhance their emotional bond. But it is equally true that partners in a relationship require their individual space. By giving each other space and nurturing your own individuality, the intimacy that you share with your partner would be much deeper when you come together. 

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Rebuilding Trust In Marriage

Trust is one of the basic ingredients for a good marriage. It is something that can be built up through careful nurturing and effort. But once broken, it is hard to restore. Couples can rebuild trust if both are willing to put time and effort into the process.

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Infidelity: What it does to your Marriage

There was a time when people were shocked at the idea of an extra-marital affair. But now, even in India, these ‘casual affairs' are much more commonplace and almost acceptable. But are these affairs to be taken so casually? 

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Building Intimacy

Intimacy is an essential part of any successful relationship. Whether it be emotional, physical or spiritual, it is something that can add an immense amount of value to the relationship. Here is a brief article on what intimacy is and how to build it.

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Building Trust

It is common knowledge that trust is the foundation of a healthy marriage. That's why it is necessary to learn to find a healthy way to handle conflicts, understand why they keep cropping up and work on resolving them in order to rebuild trust in your relationship. This article explores more on this topic...

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Friends: A Blessing to be Cherished

Friends are some of the most important people in the world... friendships do not just happen; it needs a lot of effort and love to set a friendship going and to keep one.

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What to do When You Make a Mistake at Work

Imagine forgetting an important deadline or discovering that your coding was all wrong or that the financials that you presented to your boss were miscalculated? Did you feel mortified or freeze with fear, not knowing what to do next? All of us make mistakes whether it is in the personal realm or the professional one. Here are a few tips to help you with damage control and bounce back at work.

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