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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Building Real Relationships?

Have you ever felt that you are more comfortable chatting with people online instead of in person? Do you keep on checking your social media profiles? Has social media become your most important way of communicating in your personal life? If any of the above is your story, then this article might be for you.

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Is your Smartphone ruining your Relationship?

Does your screen time take away quality time with your loved ones? Do they complain that you do not pay attention to them any longer? What does your family feel when they hear your smartphone notifications ringing in all the time? Has your smartphone put your significant relationships on the back foot?

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Is your smartphone making you less social?

Nowadays, in so many areas of everyday life, from bank ATMs to automated telephone answering services, to smart phones, it is quite possible to avoid dealing with human beings. While technology can make life easier and convenient, it also makes one wonder….  Is it impacting our comfort level of face to face interactions? Are we becoming more shy?

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Are Our Children Overusing Electronic Media?

One of the biggest concerns that parents have today is the way technology and media have taken over their children's lives. Let's face it. We live in a world governed by technology and stay connected through social media. Interaction between people is more often through electronic media rather than in person, even if the person is sitting across your cubicle in office! This trend extends to our children as well.

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Specific Relaxation Techniques

You can't avert all sources of stress but you can modify how you react to these situations by practicing relaxation techniques. Relaxation can help relieve the stress that aggravates chronic pain. It also helps prevent muscle spasms and reduces muscle tension.

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