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7 Ways to Build Meaningful Relationships

Relationships take time and effort and an investment of one's emotions to cultivate. However, real relationships add meaning to one's life. Find out how one can build and strengthen their relationships.


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9 Ways to Beat Loneliness

Extreme feelings of loneliness can be debilitating. However, there are many steps which one can take to overcome these feelings.

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Wedding Bells or Warning Bells?

People feel anxious when it comes to getting married. Tying the knot, envisioning a new stage of life with another person can make both men and women feel tense and get ?cold feet' prior to the wedding. How do you handle this?

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3 Steps to Connect With Your Child

Communicating with children is not just one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child, but it also plays a major role in developing the personality of your child. This article will to help you learn certain communication tips that could enhance your relationship with your child.


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How do Women find 'Me Time'?

Do you remember your teenage years when your world was filled with dreams, hopes and lots of friends? You swore that nothing would be more important than your ties with the sisterhood and that wherever you went you would make time to connect with them. But life happened after that and here you are juggling a demanding career, marriage, children, in-laws, running a ship-shape household and trying to keep your sanity all the while! Sound familiar? This article gives you the low down in finding some time for yourself as well!

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Helping Your Child Overcome Shyness

Shyness in children is quite natural but it shouldn't become an impediment in their personality development. Here are some ways in which parents can help their children overcome shyness and develop into confident and balanced individuals.

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Stress Prevention with Vitamin F

Stress is something that all of us go through with varying degrees of intensity. Most of us are aware of the need for a work-life balance, exercise, nutrition and relaxation for stress relief. Let us explore another important factor that can help in coping with stress. 'Vitamin F' it is not a pill that you can pop, but something that all of us can turn to - Family and Friends!

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Forgiveness: A New Beginning

As life moves on, we close chapters in our lives to begin new ones. We leave behind experiences of the past to create new memories. However, there are some experiences of the past that seem to haunt us forever, like anchors that prevent us from sailing ahead. This article looks at why it is necessary to forgive the past and move on?

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Assertion: A style of Communication

Have you ever felt like saying 'no' to someone but said a 'yes' instead, compromising on your needs? To know more about learning the skill of assertive communication, take a look inside and enjoy the new you .

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Should I Keep it In or Let it Out?

Whenever we are overwhelmed by an emotion we lose all reason, we are sensitive and vulnerable, almost as if we were lost in a dark cloud. This is because when we are overwhelmed by hatred, anger, anxiety, or even positive emotions such as love and extreme excitement; there is a tendency to express the emotions without stopping to think of the consequences. Later, when these volatile emotions have died down we may regret our actions or decisions made.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 20 records