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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Rebuilding Trust in Relationships After Infidelity

Are you questioning the future of your relationship after being cheated on by your partner? Are you unsure whether what your partner is doing constitutes infidelity? Read on to find out more!

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This Valentine's Day, Remember: Love Is A Verb

"If you could accept that your partner would never change, how would you feel about that?" (Alain de Botton, 2017)

The wonderful writer-philosopher Alain de Botton proposes that our notion of love is flawed ? that we expect love to be like in the movies ? romance, passion and excitement. But the movies only show us the process of falling in love ? what next? Does romance and passion keep the dishes washed, the clothes ironed and the bills paid? What sustains good long-term relationships and keeps the love alive?

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How Do I Talk To My Spouse About Couple's Counseling?

Couples counseling can help couples work through conflicts and rebuild their marriage. It may not always be accepted, perhaps because we have families to talk to and help us, or one partner does not want it. At the same time, there may come a point where we don't want to involve family, the problems are not going away or we just want a better relationship. This article will describe how you can speak to your spouse about it.

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Am I in Love?

Have you ever been crazy about someone, felt weak in the knees, been head over heels in love? Your heart stops, you feel tingly and you cannot wait for the next message about when you will next meet. You spend hours remembering every conversation you've had. It is an exciting and warm feeling and you wonder... is this what love feels like? Could this be true love?

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Formula for a Great Marriage

Everyone agrees that there is no perfect marriage or perfect couple - such things exist only in movies or fairy tales! But there does exist a marriage where two people have learnt to accept each other, scars and all. Couples who have had a good marriage seem to have gotten a few things right. Let's see what these things are...

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Parenting a special kid

Parenting is a wonderful experience with many challenges, even more so if you have a special kid. Many couples struggle with parenting but it is much harder to raise a special child. With special needs children, one needs to think about various aspects that could impact the lives of the parents as well as the child. Many parents go through phases of asking themselves, "Why me?" and feelings of hopelessness. They will also go through stressful days with additional work load, the stress of childcare, when they see other kids do better than their child, etc. This article looks at ways parents can cope as they raise their special child.

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A.I.D.S : How do we protect ourselves?

How do we protect ourselves against the HIV / AIDS virus? To answer this we need to first understand how this virus is contracted. This will help us take the necessary precautions and protective measures.

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Misconceptions on Impotence

Sexual impotence is perhaps the most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders. This is because of ignorance, misconceptions, superstition attached to anything sexual in the minds of the layperson. 

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Abusive Relationships

Sometimes, a relationship that starts out well turns sour. It is not always easy to recognize if you are in an abusive relationship. This article gives examples of relationships that are also abusive.

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Total 4 Pages, Total 34 records