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Turning your dreams into your child?s reality?

Research indicates that some parents think of their children as extensions of themselves. Parents are sometimes unaware that the hopes they have for their children may be coming from their own unfulfilled dreams. The article aims to differenciate between healthy yearning for positive growth and behaviors which parents engage in that put undue pressure on children.

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Raising a Hopeful Child

Across cultures, religions, communities and ages, one thing that all parents have in common is that they want their child to be happy. Individuals need to learn how to form goals for themselves, as these provide their plans with a sense of direction and an end to work towards. It also gives them a certain direction in which to channel their energies and focus. This article addresses the factors which can help you to make your child a person who is hopeful and knows how to form and achieve the goals they aspire for.

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Curbing Sugar Intake in Children

One of the culprits for the rise of obesity, blood pressure and diabetes in our children is sugar.

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5 Ways to Ensure That Your Child is not Overscheduled

As a parent today, it is easy for one to get overwhelmed with the vast, often conflicting ideas of what the right way to parent a child is. While one may want to give their children the best in all areas, there is always a risk of packing too many things in your child's schedule. Read this article to find out why it's important to leave some parts of your child's day unstructured

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Voice of a Child from a Broken Home

A couples decision to separate or divorce can have an impact on the children. This is a true experience of a young child from a broken home.

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Can children be praised too much?

We all understand that praise does encourage and sometimes motivate a person to do better. Books and articles on parenting talk about the benefits of praise, but is there a problem with too much praise? Does excessive praise affect a child's behaviour and emotional growth? What does too much praise do to a child?

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Parents Being Friends

Parenting could be a tight rope between being parents and friends of our children. Should I be a friend? Will I lose control? Will my kids take advantage of me if I get too close??

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Helping Children with Homework

Homework is a chore not just for children, but also for parents, especially in the Indian context of education. In the emerging nuclear and double income family set-up, with multiple things vying for attention, the challenges of finding time for the children's homework and project work are even more. While earlier, in a joint family there would always be some uncle, aunt or cousin in the family who was proficient enough in science, math or languages to pitch in with your kids, now we have to find time to do it ourselves or arrange for tuition. In fact there are some children who go to tuition only to deal with their homework! This is actually counterproductive because the purpose of homework is lost.

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Are you a Helicopter Parent?

A "helicopter parent" is a common term used to describe a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's experiences and problems. Like helicopters, they hover overhead!" The helicopter parent's involvement can extend to their children's academics, extra-curricular activities, the kind of friends they have, sports and every other activity in their lives.

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3 Steps to Connect With Your Child

Communicating with children is not just one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child, but it also plays a major role in developing the personality of your child. This article will to help you learn certain communication tips that could enhance your relationship with your child.


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Total 5 Pages, Total 45 records