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Stress inducing foods

An imminent target at work. An upcoming family gathering. Kid’s exams coming close. There’s always stress imbedded in your life no matter what stage of life you are in. But do you know, there are certain foods that induce stress and anxiety?

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The importance of knowing your body composition

The weighing scale can be a friend to some and not so friendly to others! When we weigh ourselves, we may either be thrilled or not so happy with what we see. We sometimes tend to become obsessed with the numbers on the scale. But does that one solitary figure tell you the whole story about what is going on in your body? 

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The Dark Side of Blue Light

Our generation is experiencing a lot of light pollution. This can come from neon signs flashing in our shopping areas, to LED bulbs in our homes and offices. In the past decade, since information technology took over, we also seem to be glued to our screens. This background light emitted by these screens is known as blue light since it comes from that range of the light spectrum.  

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80-20 Rule:The 80:20 eating pattern explained for weight loss

There are many ways of approaching weight loss, some are healthy while others- are not-so-. Healthy weight loss stays away from crash/fad or extremely low-calorie patterns. It includes all food groups in balanced amounts and stresses the importance of hydration and exercise as well. Following such a pattern makes weight loss consistent. Granted, this method takes time, but you do not tend to regain weight easily and it does not involve crazy meal patterns/ meal replacement options, etc. 

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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Working Women

Approaching weight loss can come with its own set of challenges and misconceptions. A large number of diets provide instant solutions promising quick weight loss. Diet pills, slimming shakes, sauna belts, herbal teas –the list is endless. But what is the best way to approach healthy weight loss, especially as a working woman?

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Bad habits that are wreaking your health: Part 2

As we continue to look at unhealthy habits that can affect our health, let’s turn to the subtler factors: things we may not recognize outright, but which also play a role in our health. 

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Using both diet and exercise for weight loss advantage

We often hear  complaints about how seemingly ‘difficult’ or ‘hard’ it is to lose weight. Sometimes the numbers on the scale don’t budge despite eating a relatively ‘healthy’ diet and exercising regularly.  

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Vegan diet and its impact on health

Vegan diet/ veganism is rapidly rising in the world because of various reasons like- health/ animal welfare or environmental concerns. Research also states that, plant-based diets are linked to lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases/ type-2 diabetes/ cancers because of its low saturated fat content (1). 

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Working Around the Diet and Exercise Challenges of Shift Work

Working on shifts can often take a toll on your eating habits, sleep patterns and exercise schedule. Rotational shifts can further throw things out of balance. Many shift workers eat unhealthy foods, skip exercise and also have disturbed sleep. This can lead to weight gain and other associated lifestyle related diseases.

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Regaining Lost Weight?

Weight loss can be a challenging and tricky game. Many weight loss and slimming centres love to flaunt their clients’ success by proudly displaying before and after pictures. The captions read- lost 5 kgs, lost 10 kgs and 4 inches…..the list goes on.

But no one shows us the after, after story.

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Total 3 Pages, Total 25 records