
Finances in Marriage

With double-income families, not only has the money and the bargaining power increased, but also the number of conflicts over this. Find out some easy tips to keep those arguments and fights at bay and enjoy happy moments with your spouse.

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Infidelity: What it does to your Marriage

There was a time when people were shocked at the idea of an extra-marital affair. But now, even in India, these ‘casual affairs' are much more commonplace and almost acceptable. But are these affairs to be taken so casually? 

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Dual Career Couples

Dual Career couples face numerous challenges as they try to balance work with their marital responsibilities. Both husband and wife seek steady professional growth; personal satisfaction related to their individual goals; as well as financial satisfaction. This may not be as easy as it sounds. 

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When Couples Fight

All couples fight. If you hear someone saying they never fight, check out if they ever talk! Here are some tips on how to fight so that you both come out winners.

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Welfare Organisations For Abused Or Battered Women

When women are in abusive relationships, it is important for them to be equipped with resources they can turn to. This article will help you be prepared with helpline numbers and abused women organizations around the country that you can reach out to for help.

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Balancing Act

Balancing the demands of both work and home can be challenging. If you are a working woman (or married to one), then it's time to acknowledge that change is necessary. It's not just a matter of adding new expectations to our traditional roles. The tough part is that most of us do not have role models, so we need to work out new ways to find a balance in our lives. This article gives you some general principles to get started.

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Energise Your Marriage

Our relationships with our spouses have an impact on all areas of our life. How committed and compatible we are and the degree of satisfaction we experience directly affects our productivity. Research indicates that those who are happy at home are less stressed at their workplace. Find ways to improve on your relationship.

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The First Year of Marriage

A lot happens in the first year of marriage.Whlie there are many emotions involved during the initial years, there is also no specific rules or manual that a couple can use to have a perfect first year. However couples can stay prepared and this article helps with exactly that!

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Inter-cultural Marriages

Though inter-cultural marriages are more common these days, they still present challenges. It could be difficult to talk to your parents and convince them to agree to your choice of marriage partner. Culture could play a huge role in the decision. Small efforts to prepare for possible challenges will go a long way in making the marriage more fulfilling.

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Women and Multiple Role Stress

Women who work and have to look after the home and family typically undergo what is known as "Multiple Role Stress". This refers to the opposing pressures and demands from the multiple roles they are trying to juggle. Read the article to learn more about your difficulties with the various roles and how to manage them effectively.

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