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A Working Mothers Dilemma: Dealing with Guilt

While some may enjoy pursuing a career, for others there is a financial need to work. In either case, mothers feel terribly guilty about spending time away from their kids. Here we take a look at how to work through this challenge and make the best of the situation.

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Pregnancy and the Working Woman

Working women who find they are pregnant are suddenly faced with the difficult decision of what to do about work? This article is intended to help you through some of the questions on your mind.

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Smart ways to work from home

Employees in office jobs that rely heavily upon technology can often perform their duties from home. For many of us with our hectic life styles "work from home" seems such an ideal solution. It evokes images of freedom and leisure. However there are challenges associated with working from home and this article discusses them.

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Home Alone

When both parents work, sometimes they have no option but to give the child a house key or leave a key with the neighbors. If you are leaving your child alone at home, it is important to take precautions and ensure your child is safe and prepared to handle the responsibility.

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Getting Back to Work After Having a Baby

Research suggests that resuming work after maternity leave brings along mixed feelings for most women. Whatever be the reason for you to decide to get back to full-time work - whether it is to get away from the boredom of changing diapers, for personal growth or for economic reasons, leaving behind your little one does pull at one's heartstrings! To make matters worse, these emotional struggles are often heightened by the hormonal changes after delivery.

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When Your Child is Ill

It's Monday morning and you find that your child is ill and cannot go to school. You're concerned about him/her - and you're also concerned about your job as you had to take a day off last week because your other child was ill. This is a dilemma faced by many working parents with young children. Let’s look at ways to deal with situations like this.

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When Your Wife Goes Out to Work

Traditionally, men have been the bread-winners and women took care of the home. However in today's world, large numbers of women are working outside the home and this trend is increasing. As a result, there are fears about how the home will run and couples worry about the lack of time for each other. This can perhaps lead to a change in the husband-wife equation too! These are very real concerns and it is important for husbands and wives to discuss them and decide how they are going to make things work.

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Dual Career Couples

Dual Career couples face numerous challenges as they try to balance work with their marital responsibilities. Both husband and wife seek steady professional growth; personal satisfaction related to their individual goals; as well as financial satisfaction. This may not be as easy as it sounds. 

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Balancing Act

Balancing the demands of both work and home can be challenging. If you are a working woman (or married to one), then it's time to acknowledge that change is necessary. It's not just a matter of adding new expectations to our traditional roles. The tough part is that most of us do not have role models, so we need to work out new ways to find a balance in our lives. This article gives you some general principles to get started.

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Women and Multiple Role Stress

Women who work and have to look after the home and family typically undergo what is known as "Multiple Role Stress". This refers to the opposing pressures and demands from the multiple roles they are trying to juggle. Read the article to learn more about your difficulties with the various roles and how to manage them effectively.

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Total 3 Pages, Total 24 records