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When your friend is in trouble

We often don't know what exactly to do when our friend is facing a difficulty. We're afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing, which might make the situation worse. We sometimes even avoid meeting someone simply because we're feeling awkward. Here are some things you can think about to help your friend...

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Performance appraisal

Performance appraisals are never the best time of the year. Often we only get a glimpse into one side of the story - either the manager's or the employee's side. This article gives you a glimpse into the side that you do not know about.

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Balancing work and home

Striking a balance between work and home is one of the most fundamental prerequisites for leading a happy life. There is no one strategy that we all can use which will help us magically strike a balance between these two aspects of our lives. Here are some suggestions to help find and strike a healthy balance. 

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Previously, the norm was that you had a job for life. Today we are in the transitory phase with global transformations and economic fluctuations requiring speedy adjustments. Most businesses today must continually make changes to remain competitive. Downsizings are almost routine and being laid off does not have to reduce your employability -- unless you let it.

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How Exercise Helps in Managing Stress

We all know that regular exercise is good for us physically. What we don't always take into account is that, aside from the well-documented physical effects, working out has a mental component as well, and plays a great role in relieving stress. It does this in a variety of ways, as discussed in this article.

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What to do When You Make a Mistake at Work

Imagine forgetting an important deadline or discovering that your coding was all wrong or that the financials that you presented to your boss were miscalculated? Did you feel mortified or freeze with fear, not knowing what to do next? All of us make mistakes whether it is in the personal realm or the professional one. Here are a few tips to help you with damage control and bounce back at work.

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Coping with Emotions at Work

We all have moments when our emotions get the better of us. Not surprising, considering the fact that we face stressors at the workplace that include budget cuts, layoffs, deadlines, irate customers or an unreasonable boss maybe. Of course when things are going well,  work is a breeze but it is when things get rough that negative emotions come into play.

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Top Ten New Year Resolutions

Most people take the opportunity at the beginning of the year to make resolutions to live their lives more effectively. Here is a list of the most popular resolutions. In case some of these match your resolutions for this year, we have compiled some of the resources on our website that can help you get started on keeping these resolutions.

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Total 7 Pages, Total 68 records