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Dealing with Social Media Fatigue

It takes special effort to evade social media these days. Initially seen as an interesting pastime, social media has now evolved to meet multiple academic and personal needs as well. As social media is becoming so indispensable to different aspects of our lives, it correspondingly demands more and more of our time and energy. Keeping this in mind, it may help us to be more aware of how helpful our social media usage is in terms of time and energy.  

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Is Social Media Influencing your Eating Pattern?

Think about how much of your Social Media feed is filled with pictures of food - most probably a lot!

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Shaping Your Baby's Social-Emotional Development

We typically think of growing our baby's intelligence, movement skills and language. These areas of development are necessary and it's good that we stimulate this growth. However, more attention can be paid to social-emotional development. Here's why.

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The Generation that 'Tweets what they Eat'

How many of us on social media post pictures of what we eat?

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Social Media and Relationships

While social media allows us to be in close communication with our partners and share pictures of our relationship with friends, this can sometimes create complications and misunderstandings. Read on to find out how you can reduce the risk of having these conflicts sparked by social media, and tips on cautious use of online mediums especially when you are in a relationship.

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Is Social Media Boosting Your Self-confidence?

Studies state that comparing ourselves with others on social media has become common. Sometimes we make unfair comparisons and feel miserable about ourselves. Here's a look at what changes you can make if you find that social media is affecting your self-confidence too much.

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Setting Boundaries on Social Media

Nowadays our friend list on social networking sites is usually a mix of family, friends and colleagues. This can be tricky as it blurs the lines between our professional and personal lives. Find out how to set healthy boundaries on your social networking sites.

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The Effects of Social Media on Children

Given the fact that social media has now claimed a gripping influence on us, this article will explore the consequences this could have on your child, both the positive and the negative.

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Is Social Media Affecting Your Productivity At Work?

Social media has no doubt made communication very convenient. However, we also need to be aware of the negative impact it may be having in our lives. One of the biggest drawbacks of social media is the impact it has on people's productivity in the workplace. It is important for us to take an honest look at ourselves and evaluate how much our personal use of social media is affecting our work life.

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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Building Real Relationships?

Have you ever felt that you are more comfortable chatting with people online instead of in person? Do you keep on checking your social media profiles? Has social media become your most important way of communicating in your personal life? If any of the above is your story, then this article might be for you.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 19 records