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Welfare Organisations For Abused Or Battered Women

When women are in abusive relationships, it is important for them to be equipped with resources they can turn to. This article will help you be prepared with helpline numbers and abused women organizations around the country that you can reach out to for help.

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Toxic friends

While it is true that not all friends cause pain, it is also true that the pain caused by a friend is often the most difficult to forgive and forget. So how does one prevent this kind of pain? How can one recognize which friends are worth keeping and which will only become more and more hazardous as time passes? The list may help in preventing errors that are unnecessary and painful, so that you can cherish friends who are always there for you.

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Living and Working Away from Home

Taking up a new job in a new city you are setting yourself up for a lot of changes - living on your own, managing your finances, exploring opportunities, being adventurous, establishing a routine for yourself. While quite exciting and a great learning experience the cumulative effect of having to adjust to all these new things all at the same time, can be quite overwhelming as well.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 13 records