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9 Ways to Beat Loneliness

Extreme feelings of loneliness can be debilitating. However, there are many steps which one can take to overcome these feelings.

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Living and Working Away from Home

Taking up a new job in a new city you are setting yourself up for a lot of changes - living on your own, managing your finances, exploring opportunities, being adventurous, establishing a routine for yourself. While quite exciting and a great learning experience the cumulative effect of having to adjust to all these new things all at the same time, can be quite overwhelming as well.

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Creating Healthy Boundaries at the Workplace

Work is not just about projects, numbers and negotiations; it is also about relationships with your co-workers. Maintaining healthy boundaries with your co-workers plays a big part in a successful professional life and a healthy organization. It is a fine balancing act to be friendly and approachable and at the same time not to overstep boundaries. When colleagues become friends it is a completely different ball game, one that needs to be played with sensitivity and finesse.

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Making Friends

Making friends while in college or school, might have felt easier. It is great when we have those intimate friends we can share with. However, when we are older and move away from known supportive groups for various reasons, it can be much harder to develop close friendships. Let's look at some of the ways we can help ourselves make friend.

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