SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Fitness and Weight Management


Weight loss post pregnancy is something every mother wants, but due to the busyness of taking care of the new-born she may not have time for herself. It is best not to start losing weight immediately after delivery, despite what some celebrities claim. Such drastic weight loss is not healthy. During pregnancy you may have adjusted your eating habits and taken extra care of your diet. After pregnancy, a healthy balanced diet needs to be maintained, especially if you are breast feeding, as the new born requires good nutrition.

Making wise choices can help in healthy, gradual and sustainable weight loss after pregnancy. Your body needs time to recover after delivery. If you have had an uncomplicated normal delivery, the doctor may suggest light exercises to get you in shape. It is best to start with heavier exercises for weight loss once the baby is older than 6 months, only after consulting with your doctor. Weight loss after pregnancy helps in managing your weight later on in life. A healthy weight reduces the risks of Type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

Dietary tips:

Have small frequent meals and do not skip meals. Small portions help with weight loss and eating frequently keeps metabolism active to burn calories. Never skip meals as this deprives you of vital nutrients and makes you over-eat in the next meal.

Include physical activity in your daily schedule. Take the baby for a walk and push his/ her stroller around the neighbourhood or park, the fresh air and exercise will boost your mood and keep you energetic.

Keep healthy snacks handy. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; these are rich in fiber and nutrients. Have healthy balanced meals with whole grains, healthy protein and dairy.

Breast feed your little one; this can help you shed pounds. Breast feeding helps use the fat cells along with calories from your diet to produce milk.

Be well hydrated and drink lots of water, this is good for breast milk. Even before a walk or exercise take small sips of water.

Have a realistic goal in mind when it comes to weight loss. During childbirth 4.5 kgs is lost which includes the baby weight, placenta and amniotic fluid. After this, in the next few weeks as you shed fluids more weight is lost. Some women experience a plateau in their weight loss efforts and this can be frustrating. Having a balanced diet along with light exercise, you can expect a reasonable amount of weight loss of ½ kg/ week. Not every mother loses weight the same way, so be patient with yourself. It may take 6 months to a year to return to your normal weight.

Be consistent and motivated. Accept the changes in your body and continue with a healthy lifestyle.


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