Are you TOFI? Thin Outside Fat Inside!

Disproportionate Lean Visceral Organs Fat placement Diabetes Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease Strength training Muscle Resistant Starch Body Composition

Does this concept surprise you? How can a thin person be fat? We usually equate a thin person with good health and fitness. While an overweight or obese person, we may mentally brand is unhealthy and unfit.




Enjoyed reading the article, especially relevant in the times of this pandemic when consumption of SM can be robotic and not intentional. the article gave me a lot to reflect upon personally!


This is a relevant issue in today\'s work world, and urges us to look at our own social media usage patterns realistically. We often think of it as an escape from our immediate surroundings without considering both the positive and negative consequences of doing so. The questions posed are helpful to mindfully reflect on the actual benefits of pages/apps viewed and to gear our social media time more productively. Great article!

Sanjana J