
Emotional Labour: The Invisible Burden

This feeling of being expected to manage your emotions while remembering to remember everything else is something that a lot of women can relate. However, most people don't recognize Emotional Labour as 'work'. Read on to find out what Emotional Labour is and why it a burden, both physically and emotionally

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Formula For A Great Relationship

A healthy relationship is set on three building blocks: cohesion, flexibility, and communication. Let's look at how these different building blocks work in conjunction with each other to establish a great relationship.

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Social Media and Relationships

While social media allows us to be in close communication with our partners and share pictures of our relationship with friends, this can sometimes create complications and misunderstandings. Read on to find out how you can reduce the risk of having these conflicts sparked by social media, and tips on cautious use of online mediums especially when you are in a relationship.

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Relationship Anxiety

We might love the person to the core, however something might stop us from within from going forward with that relationship. When we are out of a relationship, we might want to get into one and when we are in, we might want to get out. Sometimes this is because of relationship anxiety.

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This Valentine's Day, Remember: Love Is A Verb

"If you could accept that your partner would never change, how would you feel about that?" (Alain de Botton, 2017)

The wonderful writer-philosopher Alain de Botton proposes that our notion of love is flawed ? that we expect love to be like in the movies ? romance, passion and excitement. But the movies only show us the process of falling in love ? what next? Does romance and passion keep the dishes washed, the clothes ironed and the bills paid? What sustains good long-term relationships and keeps the love alive?

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Is Jealousy Tearing Your Relationship Apart?

All of us at some point in our lives have experienced jealousy, whether we are the jealous ones or someone is jealous of us. Even as children, jealousy is an emotion that is commonly experienced. We may have felt jealous of our siblings getting more attention or our neighbour getting a better toy. As adults, we try to rationalize our jealousy, however, it can grow to the point that it becomes destructive.

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Healing from an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Moving on from an emotionally abusive relationship can be difficult.

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Is your Smartphone ruining your Relationship?

Does your screen time take away quality time with your loved ones? Do they complain that you do not pay attention to them any longer? What does your family feel when they hear your smartphone notifications ringing in all the time? Has your smartphone put your significant relationships on the back foot?

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Am I in Love?

Have you ever been crazy about someone, felt weak in the knees, been head over heels in love? Your heart stops, you feel tingly and you cannot wait for the next message about when you will next meet. You spend hours remembering every conversation you've had. It is an exciting and warm feeling and you wonder... is this what love feels like? Could this be true love?

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Abusive Relationships

Sometimes, a relationship that starts out well turns sour. It is not always easy to recognize if you are in an abusive relationship. This article gives examples of relationships that are also abusive.

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Total 5 Pages, Total 43 records